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Family Escalation Of Care

We encourage you to first speak with your treating nurse who may be able to help you to resolve your concerns.

What is a medical emergency?

The Medical Emergency Response Team (MET) at Hurstville Private hospital is designed to provide support for deteriorating patients. This is done by providing a rapid response by experienced medical and nursing staff who are trained in advance life support to those patients requiring immediate medical attention.

A call for the Medical Emergency Team can be made at Hurstville Private Hospital when someone, including staff members, parents, carers and other family members, are worried that a patient's health is getting worse.

We want to work with our patients and their loved ones to create a positive experience during your stay at Hurstville Private Hospital.

Together, we can make a difference to patient care.

For more information, please speak with a staff member or the Nurse Unit manager on your ward.

Escalation of Care

  • Are you worried about a recent change in your condition or that of your loved one?
  • Have you spoken to your nurse or doctor about this worrying change?
  • Have your concerns been followed up?
  • Are you still concerned?
  • We know that you know yourself or your loved one best.
  • REACH out to us if you are worried.
  • Together we make a great team!

How to escalate care

We encourage you to first speak with your treating nurse who may be able to help you to resolve your concerns.

We also encourage you to raise your concerns with us during times of handover between staff shifts.

If you are still concerned, ask your nurse for a ''clinical review'' or if the situation is urgent, you or your family member can initiate a Medical Emergency Call by pressing the emergency assist button or by calling the After hours Manger on 02 9579 7794 and the Medical emergency Team (MET) will respond.

Emergency Response

The Emergency assist button will initiate an urgent response by emergency staff and should only be pressed when an immediate response is required.

Where is the emergency response button located?

You will usually find the emergency button close to your bed on the wall.